For still our ancient foe doth seek to work us woe;
his craft and power are great,
and armed with cruel hate, on earth is not his equal.
“Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.” We, the betrothed, look forward to marriage with the Lamb, where we, will become one with Jesus. Our future oneness with our beloved Savior is foreshadowed with startling reality in our earthly marriage with our spouse. Oneness, as Paul says, is a “great mystery”. But, it is real; a reality, I learned, that can scarcely be recognized until it is gone.
In the day when our marriage with our risen Lord is consummated, we will see through the glass clearly and understand mysteries hidden from us now. In the meantime, we are to accept them as revealed in His word. Our Father longs for us to accept and receive His love, His promises, and His power in this life with a childlike faith. Yet, sadly, we discount many of the mysteries of God.
In our fallen world, there is a tendency to lower the Word of God to the level of our understanding. It seems an innately human trait to want to bring truth down to our experience. It seems easier somehow. It is more comfortable. We justify ourselves; we excuse ourselves. However, we are far better served to raise the experiential to the level of God’s revealed intent. That’s where the power is, that’s where the victory comes.
There are old traditions commonly handed down in the Church, generation to generation. Many of these traditions are counterfeit beliefs robbing the Church of God’s intended power. Most are essentially false doctrine woven together with truth into a tapestry of subtle, but treacherous, deception. A collection of lies used to justify and explain away the absence of the power God promised the believer.
I have been troubled for years about these bogus doctrines. They contradicted God’s word. It frustrated me that the church made excuses, rather than seek God as to why His power was missing.
I am not addressing herein the “miracles died with the Apostles” or “they are not for today” cessation nonsense. To me, scripture is simply too clear and unambiguous with respect to such faulty beliefs to bother discussing them. Furthermore, I have personally witnessed too many undeniable miracles to believe this hogwash of the devil. Not that what I have witnessed really matters – it does help bolster my beliefs – but, at the end of the day, God said it, that settles it – period. This is the premise of my belief, my lens to examine doctrine.
I am downright ticked off – not at our Heavenly Father, but with the father of lies. Sadly, a large portion of the body of believers around me has unwittingly entered into an agreement with this prince of darkness. In God’s kingdom, there is power in agreement. Likewise, there is power in agreement with the devil. It is an agreement that pulls us into his snare, compromising and robbing the Church of power in this day.
My fury has placed me on a course seeking answers to the question of why our experience so often falls short of God’s clear promise. As I am seeking His power, God has led me on a journey of recognizing and exposing the more subtle lies of the enemy – the less obvious detractors of our faith. These lies pull up our moorings, setting us adrift. As a result, unanchored by truth, faith is compromised, rendering it of no avail.
I have been made very alert to these subtle false doctrines. His revelations have been exciting!
A righteous anger, of sorts, has led to a new motivation, a desire for revenge, to plunder hell on earth and stomp the devil’s work under my feet in the power given us by Jesus Christ. I desire to see hundreds of thousands saved and healed by God’s power and to His glory. That is my new mission.
That is this account – that is Verum Quaeritis … “seeking Truth”.
And though this world, with devils filled,
should threaten to undo us,
we will not fear, for God hath willed his truth to triumph through us.
A Mighty Fortress is Our God, Martin Luther, 1529; Called ‘the battle hymn of the Reformation’.